Frequently Asked Questions
Can I speak to Ali before I make a decision to work with her?
If you are looking for private coaching & mentorship, Ali offers a 30 minute call to discuss your options and to see whether you have a connection and are energetically aligned to be able to work together.
If you would like to do this, please contact her on or click on the link below to book a connection call.
Are my results guaranteed?
Like anything in life, your return on your investment is based on dedicated time you spend on your personal growth, your commitment to yourself and the energy you put in to our time together - whether online or in person; your level of effort will determine your results. Ali knows from her own personal experience and that of working with many clients, that if you commit to the process, are open and willing to see things in a new way and put in the work, believe in yourself and what you are doing, you will see results you desire.
Ali does not make any claim and does not provide any guarantees with any online coaching or mentorship package.
The only guarantee she will make is that she always loves to over deliver; to support you in life, work, family, love, health - in all areas of your life you wish to improve; it is her desire and wish for you and she puts her life & soul in to her partnerships & client relationships.
Can I reserve my mentorship package now & start in the future?
It’s wonderful that you are thinking ahead but due to the speed at which time goes, how business & life evolves, alongside life commitments, Ali is unable to hold prices or places. Ali believes that you know when you are ready you will know; has full faith in you making the right decision at the right time for you and when you are - she will be so ready to welcome you!